Sunday, July 21, 2013


If by some reason you did not bookmark our new address by now.... go
<HERE> ... This site will not be around very much longer.



The blackout is over. No more delays!

The preliminary rounds are over. The loser brackets are beginning to fill up. Results will be posted as often as possible with fight announcements occurring here at YourMommasBasement as well as on twitter at @MommasBasement with @IamFN2K helping to organize some fights as well.

Check back to this page or follow us on twitter to hear the news as it happens.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Technical Difficulties... Tournament Postponed: Details!

Tournament coverage has been interrupted by some minor setbacks. Creating video of these fights has proven to be time consuming and difficult at times. However, recently when moving most of the video from one device to another a bunch of it became corrupt and unusable. I hope to recover the data. These videos are barely 480p so I'm not really mourning the loss.

However, I will be investing in equipment that will make this tournament much more exciting to watch. I'll be picking up a Video Capture device in early July that will spit out video in a much higher resolution.

I decided that if I'm gonna do this, I may as well do it right and getting the PVR will save time and effort.

The tournament will not reset, but fights will resume as planned in July.  Sorry for the delay.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Bare Knuckle Brawl For It All Starts Soon

    presents a Bare Knuckle Brawl for the title of Ruler of The Universe. 32 competitors have entered their names to be drawn randomly with two mysterious wildcard entries to be named later.  World leaders of the past and present have thrown their names into the hat with America tipping the scales with four with North Korea adding half that effort with two.  Barack Obama is ready to square off against Ronald Reagan while the other Democrat and Republican fighters, Bill Clinton and George W Bush are set to face off against The Rock and Kratos respectively.  Well known acts in the Hip-Hop industry have stepped out of the studio and into the ring with Curtis “Fiddy Cent” Jackson and Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter ready to challenge all comers to hold the title of “Ruler of the Universe”
The tournament is separated into Heavyweight and Lightweight divisions. Each division offers sixteen fighters in a double elimination tournament with each division winner claiming their own title.  When the Lightweight and Heavyweight Champion meet in the final, the two fighters will meet in the middle at an agreeable weight ensuring the fairest fight possible.
Some fighters are nervous such as Canada’s Justin Bieber who is set to face 80’s slasher film icon Chucky.  “I thought this was for charity. But that doll wants to kill me!” Bieber, was overheard shouting after the weigh-in.  Bieber has agreed to the fight but Chucky has a warning for Bieber. “I’m going to smash your face in until your eyes pop out and you can see me from your momma’s point of view kicking your ass.” Chucky is the heavy favorite.

            Another hugely anticipated first round match-up is Bruce Lee vs Jesus Chrust.  With Chuck Norris predicted to defeat Tupac Shakur, will we see a Norris/Lee match up? Only time will tell.  Keep an eye on and be sure to follow @MommasBasement on twitter for the latest results.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Damn, the Oscars bring out the hate like no one's business

        I don't get why everyone was so pissed off with Seth McFarlane's hosting job. Is it because of the boob song? I loved it and I'm really glad someone addressed it, not gonna lie. My only complaint is that it wasn't controversial enough but that is clearly my own issues creeping up. He was funny, some jokes were on point, he kept it moving, he sang great! Sure it wasn't the best hosting we've been but certainly not the worst. All the hate is why we can't get great people to host! It's a thankless job and it's impossible to walk away unscathed.
       Not only is there hate for McFarlane but holy moly there is tons of hate on Anne Hathaway - and I joined that hate train! I'm ashamed to say so because I LOVE HER! At least I used to... what happened?! No denying she is a great actress and I don't hate her for that, but recently she seems so... obnoxious? I just... don't... get it... maybe someone can help me out here. I used to LOVE seeing her interviews but now I want to throw-up in my mouth every time she speaks. I can't quite put my finger on it, but before she was so much more playful and cool but now... she seems so stiff and it comes off as she's trying to be perfect... I don't know, that could be my whole thing but I also love her so much and I have a lot of respect for her - but I can't help but eye roll every time I see her on T.V I'M SO TORN!!! I was all over twitter during the Oscars and I was so shocked at the amount of hate out there for her. Has everyone always hated her this much or is this just a fad? Are people just pissed off at her insane amount of success and talent? I am, I'm not gonna lie. I totally wish I was her (minus the haircut). I would love to be cat woman, be in Les Miserables and have Hugh Jackman as my bestie. Who wouldn't want that?! So if it's not jealousy... what is it? Please comment, I'm sooo curious!!!
      More hate.... Argo. I get why Canadians are pissed off that in the movie the CIA came up with the escape idea and didn't credit Canada for it but boo hoo get over it. It's a fricken movie! The story is about the CIA guy - not Canada and the movie was awesome and they thanked us, get the fuck over it. "Typical Hollywood" - yes typical Hollywood! What else did you expect? Move on...
      Russel Crowe - you can only feel bad for the guy.
      Jennifer Lawrence - ha, just messing with you, everyone loves her!! You're fucked if you hate her, she is a treasure!