About Us


Your Momma's Basement is rooted in the aftermath of WTFIJ Radio. After the bomb dropped, The Jaded Gamer and Tarangela both shook hands and agreed to continue the tradition somehow... some way.

Born and raised in Mississauga, Ontario Canada. When she grew up, she wanted to be a Disney animator but soon realized you needed actual skills and talent... so at the tender age of eight, she switched her career choice to writing and acting. After attending Humber College for the comedy writing and performance program, she joined the WTFIJ radio family and had her own "Dear Tarangela" segment on the podcast. She continues to write screenplays, and perform. Tarangela is thrilled to be a part of Your Momma's Basement and being reunited with The Jaded Gamer once again to concur the world.

The Jaded Gamer  aka Richard Lipchitz aka Dick Hurtz aka Wright Hook
The man formerly known as Street Prophet roamed the internet bringing gaming knowledge to the masses. After the collapse of WTFIJ, he teamed up with the immortal Ballsrog to hurl even larger truthbombs of justice.  However the evil Red Rooster Gaymer would not let the dials of awesome reach eleven.  Then, taking the Renegade Option during Operation: Rogue Justice, he reunited with Tarangela to bring the gravy train of justice to planet Earth. Born from a thought, in a nation beyond your comprehension, he is Jaded.. Gamer