Monday, December 24, 2012

The way she moves...

Here's a Exclusive!

QUICK BACKSTORY:  I'm making a Role Playing game littered with cute, adorable cartoon-like characters. Many of which are female. Two of the portrait pictures of these characters have cleavage in them which prompted a discussion and me pondering what exactly I'm doing.

Quentin Tarantino loves feet, Michael Bay loves explosions, Spielberg likes aliens and George Lucas loves ruining things.  My point is every director or creator that has a vision, has a filter which it passes through. Sometimes it can be weird like Eli Roth's obsession with ultra-violence or Tom-Six's... "contributions" to horror or it can be fun and joyous like a Randy Newman soundtrack in a Pixar flick.

Ok you know what, I'm just going to say it...

My quirk is my affinity for the ladies. WAIT WAIT WAIT! I don't mean in a creepy Frank Miller sort of way or a pervy Russ Meyers sort of way.  I'm not obsessed with nudity or anything like that. I find women more fun and entertaining to work with because their gender inherits adversity.  What I mean is that they have to fight for the same spot a man does but they have the added joy of competing for it in the same space as a man and any unwanted attention that will inevitably be flung at them at some point. Anybody can read statistics and see that there are too many women that could not even get through life without some sort of unwanted sexual attention or worse.  This number rises the lower things like education and quality of life are.
Women are not weaker then men, but boys tend to be the ones who can accomplish more by brute strength and too many use this strength over women. And this is just ONE example. The quality of life of the average female has gone up but society will still stop to mark the occasion when the first female accomplishes a large task. This occasion should be far in the past by now.

In the world of Hero Mission, the women are much more respected and even feared. According to the planet's lore, several generations ago, women abandoned their towns, settlements and villages to live in isolated peace away from the abusive testosterone fueled hands. It was a clear declaration and demonstration that would go unacknowledged by many nations. However, when the numbers
of the king's armies dwindled with even more women nowhere to be seen, changes began to happen. It's like Lysistrata with a dash of Seppuku.

This dynamic plays further on a social level within the game. For instance there is a little animosity towards women who put themselves in harm's way (Hunting, for example).  It's seen as reckless and irresponsible.

I digress.... My point is that I think the character or the gravitas of women is interesting to work with.  Maybe this is my way of understanding women, maybe it`s a fantasy.  All I know is a male bartender breaking up a bar fight is standard fare.  But a voluptuous female bartender doing the exact same thing will always get more attention. It's like female drummers or female boxers in that if you ever saw one, you can't help but watch for a while.  This is the magnetic power of women. I just find it fascinating and a vast landscape to explore.


Thursday, December 20, 2012

Dev Blog - Trouble a brewin

These are most definitely part of the default tileset but you should still meet them.  They are the missionary-like worker drones for two of the factions in Hero Mission. They are charged with spreading the word of God or stopping it. 

Read more

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Is everyone stuck in the slut phase?

      I am a fan on Jenna Marbles and I just watched a video she made about what she doesn't understand about sluts. It made me wonder myself what the deal is and I agree that this is a good conversation for people to have so we can understand each other better.
      For myself personally, I never went through a slut phase. I'm a big dork and never scored high with the fellas so whoever I did get I would capture them for a long relationship and that's how I get sex. I even thought if I missed out on having a slut phase and I have noooo regrets. Seeing what's out there and how people disrespect themselves is not someone I want to experience myself. I'm proud that I'm the minority and didn't have this phase. I'm also very confused behind the logic of sluts (by definition, I mean people who have sex with strangers). If we lived in a safer world then I think it wouldn't be such a big deal but because of the serious risks that are involved such as diseases, going home with a murderer, stage five clingers, etc. There are way too many risks than benefits. Also, how do you even know if the person will be any good? You just wasted your time and a number for what? Now.... I just want to say, I'm not speaking specifically about women. Man whores aren't very appealing to women either. Thaaaaaaats right! You didn't know that did ya!? This is a wake up call for all yous!!!
      Then again, this is just my opinion and I'm speaking as an outsider so also keep in mind if you send mail offended you're probably a slut. Hahahahahahahahah I wish I saw the look on your face when you read that...Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahem... Sorry.... I had a moment, back to the article:
       I read an article recently that men's prime motivation is sex and getting a woman. Men get good jobs to provide a good life for his future wife and get lots of sex. Men are getting easy (waaaaay too easy) sex and now that women are being more educated and getting better jobs, men dont have to get good jobs anymore to land a wife. So now, all they want in life is at easy access and women are complaining that there aren't ambitious men. We created this vicious cycle. How do we get things working again? Easy.... Quit being sluts!
       I know that's not the only solution but it's a good start. One man gets his heart broken and goes from being a nice guy to a jerk because they think women only like jerks. Where would they get that idea? Maybe because there are a lot of jerk dads out there who messed up their daughters, maybe because nice guys get confused and think girls want jerks when really girls want a guy to be a man and not such a whimp. Ouch.... Yeah girls are harsh.... Now, the difference between a nice guy and a man isn't that far of a gap. We LOVE nice guys but with a pinch of aggression. Not the "bitch get me a sandwich" *ass slap* kind of aggression, the kind of man that knows what he wants and stands up for what he believes in. Basically men and women want the same thing. Men and woman. A woman wants a man and a man wants a woman. It's very simple. Look at the old movies and subtract the slaps across the face and that's what we all want. Men want a lady on the street and a freak in the sheets. A woman wants a man to kill the spiders and make her feel special. For the gay/lesbian community, I'm sorry but I have no idea what you're looking for so....yeah. 
         So for sluts, I know some of you will argue that you have strong sexual appetites. That's awesome, but everything in moderation. You might have a strong alcohol appetite but we call them alcoholics so there ya go. I'm sorry but if you go home with a stranger, chances are this person has done this many times before. You're just another number. You're not someone special. Even if you've gone on a couple dates, they're still not someone you know. You really get to know a person after 3 months. YES. I said it. Try at least a month and if you can't keep it in your pants or keep your legs closed then maybe you should explore why that is. You might be surprised by the answer. I'm not saying this to bring on judgement. I'm doing this to bring peace in people's lives and bring back balance in the whole crazy dating world. Hopefully this helps. God speed and good luck to you. 

<3 Tarangela

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Closer and Closer

Thanks for the interest in game 1 of the Hero Protagonist series, Hero Mission: Numchucks of Fate
I’m spinning a lot of plates and will have a new wave of information on Hero Mission. However, for now, I need to discuss development time. That window has gotten significantly bigger. 
I have to apologize to my writers, who have been standing by ready to pitch ideas. Your time will come soon. I promise. 
Here’s why it’s going to take a lot longer. I have a much better idea regarding the scope of this game. The scope has expanded.

Monday, December 3, 2012


We've had some submissions for blog authors recently. There was a weird problem with our Email forwarding. We apologize for our lack of or less than swift response. The staff here at YMB have been a little busy with the external forces of life.  We've had E-mail and site troubles recently as well.

The site has been plagued with many problems since it's inception but we are bouncing back.  At this time we are not accepting guest submissions purely because we lack a unified vision.  Well... are we PG? are we family or NC-17?... well... with Jaded Gamer involved we're at least PG-13....

At this time is still figuring everything out.  However 2013 is looking very bright for us.

Basement Admin