Friday, August 31, 2012

Pros and cons of being a grown up

Hey kids! You think life sucks because you don't get to do anything? Count your blessings... being a grown up isn't as amazing as you may think. I'm only in my mid-twenties and as much fun as you may think that is, it's bullshit. I'm not married, nor do I have children (thank God) so I can't even imagine how much more stressful it will be. I will give you a pros and cons list of being a grown up!

1) never winning the lottery
2) you develop more addictions. Adults always say "I NEED COFFEE" or "I NEED A DRINK". Life makes you dependent on things to make life easier... or at least thats what we think
3) you get more stuck in your ways. Don't you hate it when you try to explain to an adult but they always know more/better? Yeah... that adult either becomes you or someone you know... gross isn't it?
5) Do you know how expensive the dentist is?? If I get a cavity, I'm fucked...
6) working a job you hate
7) Having a stooooopid boss
8) Now that you can vote, you educate yourself on the world and watch the news! Now you become an informed citizen and you see the awful world the adults before you created. Go team.
9) I had NO idea how flippin expensive a car is... it costs more than rent! (Which is why I don't have a car...)
10) public transportation and car pooling
11) it's creepy seeing people you know getting married and having babies... I can barely feed and burp myself!
12) can't ask your parents for help - but lets be honest, we still do... and that only reminds me of how much I suck at being a grown up
13) Having to wear "office attire" ....WHAT?!?!
14) Having teenagers not get the reference to your jokes
15) being called old when you're in your mid twenties
16) Being compared to other adults
17) learning about taxes, economics, mortgages... eww....
18) cook and clean your own shit
19) trying to figure out who you are and what you want.... exhausting...
20) knowing that the "teenager you" is disappointed in the "adult you"

1)You can eat whatever you want! That's right! My first year on my own all I ate was Kraft Dinner, chocolate lucky charm cereal and peanut butter and jam sandwiches. It was beautiful
2)Go to bed when you want. 
3)Your parents can nag at you but all you have to do is hang up and the lectures stop
4) PARTIES!!!!! Need I say more? 
5) Having friends over at your own place!
6) You get to do whatever you want with your life. Go to school in Paris! Go to jail! Whatever! Live a little! 
7) Play the lottery
8) Discovering life 
9) create long lasting relationships
10) Completing goals and creating new ones

See? It's not all bad... of course I listed more cons... I'm sure there are pros and cons I missed. I think though in the long run, you have more responsibility but more freedom at the same time. As much as being an adult sucks, I wouldn't go back.

<3 Tarangela 

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Back in the Sack

Official logo of Sack Assassins
I am back on task! There are signs of progress in some areas, brand new drawing boards in other areas but the game is back!

Not only is it back but it brought a new name with it too. Sack Assassins. See... It used to be called "Surrogate Assassins" but long story short, the game does not rely on being inside a surrogate.  So without the surrogate, the word has no business being in the title.  So I kept the concept and managed to weave a co-op experience into it as well.  You can play with or even against your friends.
                 The plot is still being developed but it will be steeped in Jaded Gamer humor ... E rated Jaded Gamer humor. The player will be a new initiate into an Assassin's guild that has a rough first day in training.  
Tutorial Hallway

Several changes were made to the old tutorial. Which is largely the same tutorial it would have been had it been called "Surrogate" Assassins.  The player gets hold of the suit and plays around for a bit before disaster strikes.  Then after a bit of taunting, the player is re-educated in the ways of the assassin before the suit.  After you are re-trained, you are sent out into the world to be the best assassin you can be. The tutorial will probably be the only single player portion.

Tutorial room. Portal inspired block of course
Then, thanks to Little Big Planet's sub-level links, the player is sent out to a hub world that is linked to other hub towns. It is slightly open-world in concept but just a side scroller. There will be a prime goal but also random quests can be taken.  The time of day within the game may also dictate which quests will be available to the player. 
Prototype of a Subway car to travel between city blocks.
The game is still in it's creation stage so all I have are urban environments which will have a great deal of Mirror's edge inspired ideas. Gameplay will draw a lot of inspiration, pay homage to, satire and parody my favorite games and hopefully yours too.  

Room with the Ninja Suit in it
In the days and weeks to come, this developer blog will come to life with much more info on game worlds, game mechanics, plot, etc. etc.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The "R" word

     The word that has many people running for the hills... Relationship. I'm not writing this because I'm a woman and I'm on my period (which is actually the case), I'm writing this article because I find the whole thing fascinating. Every person is unique and 'special' in their own way (that's what my teachers and my mommy told me anyway), so why do we find it sooo mind blowing that relationships, for the most part, are hard and GOOD relationships are rare? It's supposed to be hard or everyone would be in a happy relationship. Also, no matter how awesome you are, you also have faults that another person has to put up with and vica versa, so DUH it's not going to come easy!
     If you want an idea of where I'm coming from, I'm in my mid twenties and I'm currently in a loving relationship and have been for almost five years. To many adults under 30 that sounds impressive, to anyone else that means dick. Five years is nothing compared to the I have no idea what I'm getting myself into but I'm excited to find out because the man I'm with makes me happy. Simple.
     The thing that sucks most about relationships is of course finding that "one" person. Having to find that one in seven billion person that is on the same page as you, treats you the way you wanted to be treated, takes you for who you are and who you're not, makes you laugh and is also your best friend. Yeaaahhhh.... it's hard. It doesn't have to be. It's that bitch we all know; the law of attraction. If you keep finding yourself getting stuck in the same rut well guess what... the only common denominator here is you, so check yourself before you wreck yourself.
     Also, why does the word "relationship" scare people? Is it commitment? It is possible to have fun and freedom and be committed to someone. I know people can change once you label things but you can always talk through that. People change ALL the time. We go through our ups and downs and trying to figure out what we want, who we are, it's exhausting! The last thing you need is the person YOU'RE committed to telling you, "yeaaahh commitment freaks me out...". Yeaaahhh commitment freaks need a therapist because I really don't get it. You're completely happy exactly the way it is, but once that one word pops up, it changes everything. When in reality, the commitment-fob is the one that changed. Nice.
     I can't tell you the secret to a happy relationship because I don't feel like I'm an expert, but I can tell you what's worked for me so far...
1) People tell you who they are as soon as you meet them. Listen carefully.
2) Know your value and acknowledge your flaws. You'll learn very soon how many flaws you have once you get into a relationship so cut that cocky shit out. Good that you love yourself, but arrogance is really annoying. Probably just as annoying as low self-esteem. Like I said, check yourself before you wreck yourself. 
3) Know specifically what you want and what you don't want.
4) Communication is key. That doesn't mean talking, it mostly means listening (mind=blown!)
5) Have fun! Relationships are supposed to be fun! If the person is NOT enhancing your life, move on.

There you go! God speed and good luck to you.

<3 Tarangela